Ideas, Activities · Techie Tips

Using Google Sheets to Teach Budgeting Skills to Students

I'm just the English teacher, but when I polled my students and asked how many of them knew how to budget, out of a class of 28, only 4 students raised their hands. This class was a mix of 9th-12th graders and only FOUR knew how to make a budget. I then asked them if… Continue reading Using Google Sheets to Teach Budgeting Skills to Students

Classroom Management · Techie Tips

Late Points Calculator in Google Sheets

I'm an English teacher so anything math based can cause me a little trouble and doubt, especially when it comes to grading late assignments. I usually have two or three calendars hung up around my desk and each time I need to calculate late point deductions, I point at each little square at the calendar.… Continue reading Late Points Calculator in Google Sheets